We offer a flexible and convenient form of financing and managing a fleet of both company and employee vehicles. We support our clients in choosing the right brand and selecting a vehicle in terms of operating costs and power source.
The Full Service Leasing offer at mobiEX means full budget control and no risk of unforeseen costs, i.e. fixed monthly installments for vehicle rental.
- Financing only the actual wear and tear of the vehicle and the risk of residual value are borne by our company.
- All services related to vehicle operation are managed by us, which means you save time and energy in contacting various suppliers.
- Easy cost accounting - collective monthly invoices divided into financial and service parts.
- Full mobility 7/24, in case of car damage, you can use a replacement car.
As part of the fleet management service, our clients receive services selected from a wide range of Fleet Management packages offered by our company
- Technical service, monitoring and supervision of all service processes in terms of costs and organization
- Purchase of tires in the agreed quantity and type, including their storage and replacement
- Motor insurance and ongoing claims settlement
- Assistance and replacement car
- Pre-contract cars
- Fleet reports and audits
Effect? Less expenses and hassles. Even more flexibility, time and financial resources to use in key areas of your company's operations.